Dearest Visitors,
Call me Ghost. This is my peaceful respite on the web away from the chaos and hustle of social media. My two biggest interests are writing and tabletop role-playing games, and I'll be adding resources for and essays about these two topics to the Writing + TTRPG section above. Otherwise, check out my Now page for what I'm currently up to and my Links page for other sites I like around the web. Thanks for stopping by!
- 3/2/2025: Wow, time flies. I'm not dead! I have had some time to myself to think about what I want out of this website. Long story short, I think I may revisit some of the longer-form content I was considering making for the site and rethink whether or not I might be overachieving or being inauthentic in some ways. Looking forward to getting back to this.
- 1/10/2025: Hello everyone. Happy New Year (how is it already the 10th?)! I have been laid up with an ongoing terrible respiratory illness, and a visit to the doctor revealed that I started out 2025 with a fresh case of COVID. Thanks to the power of prescription antivirals and cough suppressants, I'm starting to feel like a person again. Perhaps once I have the strength for it, I'll write something about my goals for the year!
- 12/29/2024: Things have been quiet around here. I have a few personal things in the works, but for now an updated Now page will have to do ;)
- 12/22/2024: It's been a few days! Been working on some worldbuilding resources which I intend to post... eventually. Added Miscellaneous section to Links page with a few fun things to check out. Happy holidays!
- 12/15/2024: Added favicon (credits added to Links page). Uploaded 'writing.html' for Writing and Tabletop RPG resources I have made.
- 12/12/2024: Links page added since last update. Included sections for the indie web, as well as writing & TTRPG resources I find useful.
- 12/10/2024: Uploaded 'index.html,' 'now.html,' and 'style.css' to Neocities editor. Added introduction to homepage and an entry for today to my Now page.