Writing + TTRPG
Table of Contents: Characters / Worldbuilding / TBD
- Character Questionnaire: An interview-style character questionnaire to help writers and roleplayers more thoroughly develop their original characters. Heavily based on a similar questionnaire by Roleplaying Tips, but tweaked for my own personal preferences. Intended for adventure fantasy characters, such as Dungeons and Dragons OCs.
- NEW! Koppen-Geiger Climate Types + Common Foods Handout: Similar worldbuilding aid to the food & tech timeline PDF below. A 3-page overview of the 5 Koppen-Geiger climate types and subtypes, plus real-world examples and common plants and animals relied on for sustenance. Please only use this as a research starting point, because a lot of these resources aren't all from the same culture, just the same climate.
- NEW! Food & Tech Timeline Quick Ref: An extremely rough one-page outline of the entire history of human invention and food intended for use as a worldbuilding aid, NOT an accurate historical reference. Keep in mind humanity began in North Africa & West Asia, so many of the technologies mentioned originate in the Middle East, not Europe. I tried to reference different cultures where I could, but there wasn't room for everyone.
- Reflections on Minimalist Worldbuilding: A rambling personal essay on worldbuilding as its own standalone hobby vs. creating a setting for a different creative project, as well as my own personal struggles with making lore creation more accessible for myself.